Who We Are

State Officers

 Amar Nangia

State President

Howdy Texas FBLA! I’m Amar Nangia, and I’m a rising high school senior from Area 8 in Cypress! I started FBLA as a freshman, and gradually grew into the community by making FBLA posts and reels. I eventually became the Area 5 Vice President and now serve as your State of Texas President. I’ve met so many people and learned so much through FBLA; It’s a true honor to take on the role of making the same experience for all of y’all. After all my amazing experiences with FBLA, I promise all y’all that I am able to take on this responsibility. I couldn’t have gotten here without my amazing adviser, Mr. Mosley, Mrs. Crook, my state team (old and new), and, of course, all the amazing friends I’ve made along my journey. Outside of FBLA, I like to drive with friends, play volleyball, and code new projects. Watch out! Texas FBLA is striving for greatness.


Amar Nangia
Texas FBLA State President


Mohith Gajjela

State Parliamentarian

Howdy, Texas FBLA! My name is Mohith Gajjela, and I’m excited to serve as your 2024–2025 Texas FBLA Parliamentarian! I’m a Rising Senior at Cypress Ranch High School, and this is also my fourth year in FBLA. My FBLA journey started when I joined our local high school chapter my freshman year. I was told by many alumni about how great of a club FBLA is and how much it helped them grow both professionally and personally. Absolutely everything they said is true. Through FBLA, I have gotten a chance to develop my professional speaking and organizational skills, network with people across the nation, and make memories that will last a lifetime. I can wholeheartedly say that FBLA has truly made me a better version of myself.

Outside of FBLA, I am involved in organizations such as Science Olympiad and Key Club. In my free time, I love to spend time with my family, play sports with my friends, and explore my passion for learning random skills. As your Parliamentarian, I will use my platform through the official Texas FBLA social media pages to promote meaningful initiatives, highlight and recognize the success of outstanding Texas FBLA chapters and members, and help our state grow closer together. I will do everything in my power to ensure that every possible opportunity that FBLA offers can be utilized by our members. Although this will be my second term in office, I know that I can make this year even better. I look forward to unlocking some more amazing memories this year with the Texas FBLA!

– Mohith Gajjela

Sahil Nawal

State Secretary 

Hello Texas FBLA!

My name is Sahil Nawal and I will be serving as your 2024-2025 Texas State Secretary. I am a Senior at Cypress Ranch High School, and I’m the current Vice President for my chapter. Going into high school, I wasn’t really sure what I wanted to do in the future, so, I decided to join FBLA to learn about business and to see if that was for me. From the second I walked into the first meeting, FBLA felt like home. From networking with amazing people to competing in amazing events, FBLA has given me so many skills and memories that will last me for much longer than just high school. As the Texas secretary, I plan to expand FBLA so we can benefit as many people as possible. I am thrilled to be a part of this exceptional state officer team. Outside of FBLA, I enjoy playing pickleball, volleyball, and hanging out with friends. I hope this year will be one to remember and I am super excited to plan next year’s SLC. Let’s make this year one to remember! 


 – Sahil Nawal


State Reporter-Historian

Hello Texas FBLA!
My name is Laasya Goriparti, and I’m honored to be serving as your 2024-2025 State Reporter Historian. I am a senior at Cypress Woods High School and outside of FBLA, I love social entrepreneurship, learning about all things neuroscience, dance, and exploring new music!
Joining FBLA truly marks the best decision of my life thus far. Over these past three years, this organization helped me truly blossom and shine, and no words will ever be sufficient to express my sincere gratitude to this community for believing in me and giving me the courage I need to walk any stage, face every obstacle, and embrace my true identity with confidence. I have found pure joy in deeply immersing myself in this organization and soaring beyond my horizons along with my newfound friendships and network, and I eagerly anticipate nurturing the leadership growth of every member of Texas FBLA through various initiatives such as area and state-wide hackathons, business and leadership enrichment programs, numerous state-wide networking events, innovative social media initiatives, service projects, and workshops! As I said on stage at SLC, “I promise and I deliver, so I guarantee you’ll be glad to have voted for me.” I stand by every word and promise I made to you, and I am beyond eager to set our plans into action, with my wonderful state team, to make this year the most memorable moment of our youth. Thank you Texas FBLA for giving me this opportunity to serve you once again, and I give you my word that I am here for each one of you, not only as your State Reporter Historian, but also as your friend and supporter, to give you the courage to dream, grow, and achieve beyond measures as we elevate both ourselves and Texas FBLA in unity.


– Laasya Goriparti



Area 1 State Vice President

Hello there!

My name is Abbigail Robinson and I am a junior at Lubbock-Cooper High School. I have been a part of FBLA since 8th grade. I am grateful to serve as the 2024/2025 Area 1 State Vice President.  Outside of FBLA, I am actively involved in my church’s youth group and youth worship team playing violin. In school, I participate in theater, NHS, and Academic UIL.  I  love to have fun whether reading a good book, watching a movie, or traveling. I especially enjoy spending time with my family and friends. 

I am grateful for the support of my parents, friends, local chapter, and adviser; without their support, I would not be able to serve in this role. I hope to use this quote from Ryunosuke Satoro as inspiration for this year. The quote says,  “Individually we are a drop but together we are an ocean.” I feel like this quote is amazing because it shows that as a single member or officer we can only do so much, but when we ask each other for help we can do so much more.

– Abbigail Robinson

 arissa fonseca

Area 2 State Vice President

Hello there! My name is Arissa Fonseca. I am a rising junior at Franklin Highschool and this is my second year in FBLA. This year has been nothing but a transformation since joining FBLA. As a passionate twirler with a love for precision and performance, I’ve found my stride in both worlds — business and creativity.My journey with FBLA began with a curiosity about leadership and entrepreneurship. Little did I know, it would ignite a profound change in how I approach challenges and opportunities. The role of Area 2 Vice President is going to allow me to channel my enthusiasm into organizing and leading initiatives that benefit our chapter and community.

Beyond the boardroom and competitions, FBLA has taught me invaluable skills in teamwork, public speaking, and strategic thinking. These experiences have not only bolstered my confidence but also opened doors to new friendships and mentorships that continue to inspire me. When I’m not immersed in FBLA activities, you’ll often find me perfecting routines. Twirling isn’t just a hobby; it’s a passion that fuels my creativity and discipline, qualities I bring to every aspect of my life, including my role as Area 2 VP.

I am incredibly excited about the opportunities ahead, from empowering fellow members to representing our area with pride. FBLA has truly changed my life and I hope it is doing the same to you, and I can’t wait to see what the future holds!

-Arissa Fonseca 


Your Area 2 VP

olivia Xu

Area 3 State Vice President

Hello Texas FBLA!

I’m Olivia Xu, your 2024-2025 Area 3 Vice President. I first joined FBLA at my LASA High School Chapter in my freshman year, and am now in my senior year. FBLA solidified my passion for business and I hope to help more students discover similar interests and strengthen skills through FBLA. 
I aspire to do business internationally, and thus spend time studying German and Chinese. Additionally, I am also involved in Information Technology, Mu Alpha Theta, NHS, and Policy Debate outside of FBLA. I am looking forward to serving all of you this year

Olivia Yu

Texas FBLA State Area 3 VP

jose morales

Area 4 State Vice President

Hello, Texas FBLA! 

 My name is Jose Morales, and I am glad to be able to serve as your 2024-2025 Area 4 Vice President! I am entering the next academic school year as a junior at Jimmy Carter ECHS in La Joya, Tx. My FBLA journey began my sophomore year, as I was interested in learning about business and developing skills necessary to succeed in the future.  With the encouragement of others,  especially my adviser Mrs. Garza and previous Area 4 VP Carolina Amador, I was willing to take a big step in this awesome organization.

 Apart from FBLA, I am involved in Mu Alpha Theta, UIL, and NHS. I like to workout, read, watch Netflix, and listen to music of every genre, from 80’s hits to Jazz and classical music. 

 Texas FBLA has changed my life in ways I could have never imagined. Because of the positive impact FBLA has had on my character development such as improving my public speaking skills and increasing my self esteem, I find worth in serving as Area 4 VP in hopes I can inspire and support others on their path to success.  My intention as Area 4 VP is to increase membership, spread awareness of FBLA, and make the Area 4 workshop a memorable,fun experience for FBLA members. I look forward to bonding with the State Officer Team, and seeing you all at the State Leadership Conference!

-Jose Morales


siri ramineni

Area 5 State Vice President

Hi Texas FBLA! My name is Siri Ramineni and I’m serving as your 2024-2025 Texas Area 5 Vice President! I’m a senior at Seven Lakes High School who has served as VP of Community Service, VP of Socials, and Freshman Ambassador in my local chapter. I started FBLA as a freshman who joined the only business organization at our school. Since then, I’ve been to numerous SLCs, NLCs, and Fall Workshops – helping me build new friendships and create my most cherished memories. FBLA has been a consistent and meaningful part of my high school journey as I’ve improved critical skills like networking to public speaking. This community has been my home for the past 3 years and I wish to give back to the FBLA community that has given me so much support. I will use my position to hold events to create cherished memories, bring you guys resources for competitive events, and more. Although I have big shoes to fill because of the past Seven Lakes officers, I’ll exceed my role and help everyone in Area 5 experience the same joy and professional development FBLA has given me. 

-Siri Ramineni 

Texas FBLA State Area 5 VP

Diya Desai

Area 6 State Vice President

Howdy Texas FBLA! I’m Diya Desai, I’m an upcoming senior at Mount Pleasant High School and beyond excited to serve as your Area 6 State Vice President for the 24’-25’ school year.  I am a 2nd year member of FBLA and am involved in various other organizations. Apart from FBLA I love playing volleyball, painting, and talking about space. Coming into high school I had no idea what FBLA was but now I am immensely grateful to be a part of such an organization that allows me to connect with amazing members across Texas. While in FBLA I have competed in Hospitality and Event Management and have enjoyed every minute of it. To me FBLA isn’t just a club but rather a transformative experience that equips members with skills and the confidence they need to excel in the future. I look forward for this upcoming year ready to serve my local area and the state of Texas!

– Diya Desai

Akanksha Jha

Area 7 State Vice President

Hey Texas FBLA! My name’s Akanksha Jha and I’m a senior at Central High School in Fort Worth, Texas.

I’ve been in FBLA since freshman year and have had the privilege to serve as the Area 7 President, as well as the Central FBLA Reporter/Historian and now President! FBLA has been a super big part of my life and I’m very grateful for all the support from my parents, my adviser Ms. Baller, the State & Area 7 officer teams, and all of Central FBLA!

Outside of FBLA, I run Cross Country & Track, serve as the President of Keller ISD NTHS, Co-President of Science Honor Society, and President of Mu Alpha Theta. I also have been practicing Taekwondo for over 10 years and really enjoy playing chess, reading, traveling, and swimming! Most importantly, I also really like chicken wings and watching k-dramas.

It’s my privilege and honor to be serving as the Area 7 State Vice President! Please feel free to reach out to me at any time- whether it’s suggestions, ideas, or just to chat 🙂 I’m so excited to continue meeting so many amazing people! As I’ve said before, “grab your passports (and my hand)” and let’s “ignite the light” and take FBLA to new heights!


Akanksha Jha


Luis Renteria

Area 8 State Vice President

Hi Texas FBLA! My name is Luis Renteria and I’m super duper excited to serve as your Area 8 Vice President. I am a rising senior in Alief Kerr High school in Houston. My path through FBLA began when I was a freshmen and joined the club out of curiosity and wanting to meet new people. Ever since then I have served as my local chapter vice president and have witnessed firsthand the expansion of not just my local chapter but the entirety of Texas FBLA. Some of the biggest contributors to this growth definitely has to be my local chapter president and vice president, Han and Johnny as well as my advisor Mrs. Curry. Outside of FBLA I am involved in student council, National Honor Society, and math club. I enjoy eating, sleeping and playing video games such as Roblox (I’m an iPad kid). Over these past few years, I have participated in numerous FBLA events, competitions, and leadership conferences that have honed my business skills and enriched my commitment to community service and leadership. I look forward to an exciting and productive year ahead, filled with opportunities for learning, growth, and making lasting memories. Thank you for entrusting me with this responsibility, and I am excited to see all that we will accomplish together as Texas FBLA. 

Let’s make this year super awesome!

-Luis Renteria